Why Working Moms Are Amazing


I recently sent ashout-out to all the stay-at-home momssaying how amazing they are. 

And indeed, they are! I used to be a stay-at-home mom who taught part-time on evenings and weekends, and I cherished my time at home with my little one so much — although some days I went nuts without adult time.

 In the past two years, though, I went back to the workforce and am going throughdivorce proceedings, and so my life has changed so much.

 I've been both a SAH mom and a workingone, and both have pros and cons, but for all my ladies working the full-time, part-time, and overnight shifts whether on location or at home, this love letter is for you!Sisters Are Doin' It For 

ThemselvesEvery time you bring home a paycheck, working mama, you are showing your children how crucial you are to not only making their lives run smoothlybut also for keeping that roof over their heads! Sure, at age .

3 they don't realize what bills and a mortgage or rent are, but when they're older, they'll understand that Mom isn't just the daily chef, cleaner, and entertainer.

 She's a moneymaker and quite possibly the breadwinner.According to theBureau of Labor Statistics, 

"The percent of the population working or looking for work — for all mothers with children under age 18 was 70.

1 percent in 2014." That's a lot of working mommies! We are a huge part of the workforce, ladies. That's right! America's workforce relies on us.

 Pat yourselves on the back for contributing to our economy, not just your home's economy!


Why Working Moms Are Amazing Why Working Moms Are Amazing Reviewed by Unknown on 21:21 Rating: 5

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