Floyd Mayweather Speaks Out About His Rumoured Fight With ConorMcGregor

With reports yesterday seeming to suggest that a mega money bout between Conor McGregor and Floyd ‘Money’ Mayweather
Junior was finally coming to fruition, it all seemed almost too good to be true, especially since neither fighter had commented on the rumours, or indeed confirmed the advance in negotiations themselves.
That has all changed now, though, after Floyd responded to yesterday’s reports of a near-confirmed bout.
Mayweather is considered one of the greatest boxers of all-time; certainly the greatest defensive fighter of his generation, retiring undefeated with a 49-0 record and seems to want to keep it that way.
Early on Tuesday, reports from an unnamed source appeared to reveal that McGregor and Mayweather
had agreed financial terms – a major stumbling block for both fighters – on a prospective bout, going so far asto suggest that the fight could be announced within two weeks:
“Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather have agreed a deal to fight andhave both settled on their respective fees.
”“The contract hasn’t officially been signed yet because of a third party hold up – but all the details have been agreed on.
”The sudden nature of the story, plus the lack on confirmation from either fighter or their camps had led some to be sceptical as to whether we were genuinely on the path to a super-fight that would see McGregor step into the boxing ring.
Now it seems that we may have all got a little too excited yesterday, after Floyd Mayweather appeared to shoot down the suggestion that terms for a fight had been agreed upon.

The undefeated boxing champ didn’t take his time crushing our short-lived dreams, either, after posting on Twitter later the same day to dispel the earlier rumours. Mayweather said:“
Although there has been several rumours circulating thru (sic) media suggesting that I have an upcoming fight, I’d like to set the record straight and state that there has been no deals made on my behalf in regards to a bout with any fighter at this time.
I am happily retired and enjoying my life! Rest assured that if any changes come about, I will be the first to let the world know!”
So that’s that, is it? Is ‘Money’ Mayweather sailing off into the sunset with his many millions? Who could blame him if he is?
Floyd has been proud to be his own boss, a rare feat in boxing terms, after setting up Mayweather Promotions – a boxing promotional firm – so it could be that the 49-0 fighter simply wants to do this on his own terms.
It is also worth remembering that Floyd is a master when it comesto promoting fights and creating hype, so this could yet be part of a narrative that ends in the fight we’ve all been reading about.
In another tweet from this morning, Mayweather set out some advice for McGregor, in order to make the bout happen, “Listen, Conor McGregor, if you really want to get this fight done…
take care of your business with the UFC and then have your people get in touch with my people.”

Floyd Mayweather Speaks Out About His Rumoured Fight With ConorMcGregor
Reviewed by Unknown
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