Mom delivers premature baby that weighs 15 ounces. 307 days later, he finally goes home

Source: Inside Edition Screenshot
Nathan is a premature baby who was born at 24 weeks. Mother Mary Teply was admitted to the hospital on the Tuesday before Nathan was born due to experiencing swelling and a headache. She learned that she had pre-eclampsia that was endangering both her and the baby’s lives, and needed to deliver via C-section immediately.
“From the minute I saw his first ultrasound, I knew he was going to be a fighter. He had his hands up to his face in the ultrasound like he was fighting,” says Mary.
In the 307 days that Nathan had spent in the NICU, he faced many challenges including heart and lung issues, and a bout of pneumonia.

Source: Inside Edition Screenshot
After 10 long months, Nathan is finally in the comfort of his own home with his loving parents. Currently, Nathan weighs 15 pounds and 12 ounces. Although he is still on a breathing tube and medication, Nathan proves to be a strong little fighter and has made incredible progress.

Source: Inside Edition Screenshot
Eric and Mary Teply are extremely proud of their son and hope that in a year he can be off the machines.
What an inspiring story about an amazing baby!
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Mom delivers premature baby that weighs 15 ounces. 307 days later, he finally goes home
Reviewed by Crewsmith1

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