Boy is called to principal’s office, cries tears of joy when he learns he’s now a big brother

When you’re an only child in a small family, there are few things more exciting than finding out your parents are having another baby.
More siblings means more partners in crime, more leverage over mom and dad and more future lifelong friends to make memories with.
That’s why the parents in this clip took special pains to break the news to their son, Rylee—and brought a camera along to capture his entire reaction.

To pull off the announcement, the parents went to Rylee’s school and waited at the principal’s office, calling their son down.
As he waited outside the door, he wasn’t sure if he was in trouble until the door opened and he saw his parents sitting inside.
He began to tell them about his day when they asked him a few simple questions.
“What do you think about having some brothers and sisters?” Rylee, of course, said that it would be great.
His dad follows up again: “Maybe four brothers and one sister?” At this point, Rylee is a little confused—having one sibling would be exciting enough, let alone five more.
After some time, Rylee’s mom finally breaks the news.
“You’re going to be a big brother.”

Rylee’s face says it all though to get the full impact of his reaction, readers will have to watch the clip themselves.
As it turns out, Rylee’s parents had been going through the foster process for some time and had been trying to adopt a whopping five children all at once.
The day had finally arrived, the paperwork hadcome through and they were now going to be an enormous blended family.
Rather than just another sibling, Rylee would have an entire army of them.
This story is so great because it perfectly captures that exciting moment when Rylee finds out he’s going to have so many new lifelong friends.
It’s also a testament to the family’s generosity of spirit that they went through the foster process and were willing to open their hearts to so many children in need.
By the end of the video, Rylee can’t wait to rush off and tell all his classmates the good news.
Still, if we were in Rylee’s shoes we’d probably be doing the same thing.
Boy is called to principal’s office, cries tears of joy when he learns he’s now a big brother
Reviewed by Unknown
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