Scientists May Be On The Verge Of Wiping Out Cancer Thanks To This New Development

Genetic modification is a controversial topic for many. The food we eat is often genetically modified to ensure that crops aren’t damaged by disease, which increases the yield of the crop. The most common offenders of genetically modified crops include corn, tofu, sugar and dairy products.
Now, it seems that our food will not be the only genetically modified product. Scientists have suggested that genetic modification of human genes will be one of the next big medical advances. This includes the modification of cancer cells, as well as the capability to modify hereditary diseases whilst the foetus is in the womb.

Dr Edze Westra, a bioscientist from the University of Exeter, has researched the topic of genetic manipulation and believes that genetic editing will be an integral part of medicine in the future. The technology used within genetic editing is incredibly precise and involves splicing the cell’s DNA which allows scientists to edit the structure.
Speaking to the Metro, Westra stated: “There is always a risk with this kind of technology and fears about designer babies and we have started having discussions about that so we can understand the consequences and long-term risks. I think in the coming decade’s gene editing will become super important, and I think we will see it being used to cure all inherited diseases, to cure cancers, to restore sight to people by transplanting genes. I think it will definitely have massive importance.”
Westra’s statement follows the news that two highly influential academic bodies in the US have suggested that modifying inherited genes could be possible. The National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Medicine ruled that gene editing – the genetic manipulation of eggs, sperm and embryos – should not be seen as unethical. The report states: “The technology would, therefore, cross a line many have viewed as ethically inviolable.”
This has raised many questions amongst the scientific community. Many fear that this will lead to a trend of “designer babies,” with features such as sporting prowess or heightened intelligence. However, the scientists who wrote the report claim that genetic modification is necessary in order to combat hereditary diseases and disabilities.
Scientists May Be On The Verge Of Wiping Out Cancer Thanks To This New Development Scientists May Be On The Verge Of Wiping Out Cancer Thanks To This New Development Reviewed by Crewsmith1 on 23:29 Rating: 5

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