Google’s CEO Sends Amazing Reply To 7-Year-Old’s Letter Asking For A Job

There’s nothing quite as boring and depressing as job applications, right? You could be the most qualified person in the world and yet it’s just rejection, rejection, rejection all day long for weeks, maybe months, on end until you finally bag yourself an interview. There are hundreds of forms to fill in, resumes to write and e-mails to reply to. These days, with so much competition just for unpaid internships, getting a job really is a full-time job in its own right.
Then when you’ve got an interview scheduled there are even more things to worry about. You’ll have to practice your interview technique, research your potential employer and dress to impress, looking stylish and professional. It’s all so much effort.

Bearing all that in mind, you’d think getting a potential job with Google would be harder than getting a one-on-one interview with God. After all, there’s been a whole movie based on how hard it is, starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson: but I suppose if you put in your application early enough then you might expect a call back … if you send it away at the age of seven for example.
It might seem impossible, but that’s exactly what one adorably precocious seven-year-old with a dream of being a software engineer did! Chloe Bridgewater, who hails from Hereford, wrote a heartfelt letter to Google asking for a job when she grew up, and then received a personal response from the chief executive himself!
Andy Bridgewater, her father, proudly shared his first grader’s handiwork on Twitter on Monday the 13th of February, explaining that his daughter asked him what his job was. When Andy replied that he found his current job as a refrigerator parts sales manager unfulfilling, Chloe asked her dad where he’d prefer to work. They got to talking about Google and after Chloe saw Google’s campus in Silicon Valley, complete with bean bags, slides and go-karts, she promptly decided that she fancied a job there too.
With help from her dad, Chloe composed her letter, which has been liked more than 94,000 times since being shared by Andy, and which begins: “Dear Google Boss.”

“My name is Chloe and when I am bigger I would like a job with Google … My dad said I can sit on bean bags and go down slides and ride go-karts in a job in Google … I like computers too and have a tablet I play games on … My teachers tell my mum and dad I am very good in class and am good at my spelling and reading and my sums. My dad gave me a game where I have to move a robot up and down squares, he said it will be good for me to learn about computers.”
The letter ends: “My dad told me to give you a application to get a job in Google. I don’t really know what one of them is but he said a letter will do for now.I have only ever sent one other letter and that was to Father Christmas. Good bye.”

But to the shock of the Bridgewater family, Chloe later received a reply from Sundar Pichai, Google’s CEO himself! in it, Pichai thanks the girl for her letter and wishes her all the best, and asks that she sends in a job application when she has finished school, even adding a little smiley face to the end of the message.
Chloe’s dad Andy has since stated that the letter has given his daughter a newfound confidence, stating “We couldn’t believe it when we got a reply just four days later. I got home first but it was addressed to Chloe so I left it for her to open and she was over the moon, she was jumping for joy.” This is exactly this kind of good publicity Google desperately needs after one of their apps was extremely racist towards two users.
Google’s CEO Sends Amazing Reply To 7-Year-Old’s Letter Asking For A Job Google’s CEO Sends Amazing Reply To 7-Year-Old’s Letter Asking For A Job Reviewed by Crewsmith1 on 23:25 Rating: 5

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